Thursday 29 April 2010

Overall review of the whole project

Before saying anything about the project, I would like to say thank you to all my groupmates. At least, they did not kick me out of the group even I am stucked abroad for the most essential week.

On the project

We spilted this project into three area at the beginning. Programming, circuit and the physical components (wheels, gears, chassis). I was mainly involved in the program and the chassis bit.


Before Easter, Park and me started to draft the program. We break it down into parts. Basically, 4 functions are required. Power on/off, turn left/right, walk in stright line and reverse. We did some simulation in PICAXE but unfortunately I did not save it since that was the very first draft and that is it really before Easter.


We disscused on this for kind of long because we have been changing our idea quite often before. Originally, I was about to bring a box-shaped chassis back. Well, the volcano in Iceland erupted. So, my fellow groupmate decided to get something better, meccano.

After all, it is such a shame that I could not take part in the assembling part, and again, I would like to thanks my groupmates. Althought it did not make it through the test, I can see we all learnt something from this project.

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