Monday 29 March 2010

picaxe command

PICAXE Commands (valid all sizes):
Output - high, low, toggle, pulsout, let pins = Please see the BASIC Commands (v3.5)
Input - if…(and/or)...then, readadc, pulsin, button help file for more detailed syntax help
Sound - sound and information about each command.
Serial - serin, serout
Program Flow - goto, gosub, return, branch
Loops - for…next
Mathematics - let… (+, -, *, **, /, //, max, min, &, |, ^, &/, |/, ^/ )
Variables - if...then, random, lookdown, lookup
Data memory - eeprom, write, read
Delays - pause, wait, nap, sleep, end
Miscellaneous - symbol, debug

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