Saturday 20 March 2010

initial programme using LDR

it is so rough one. we need to develop this programme.
Basically using the LDR and check the value.
given the condition as below
the picaxe read a light sensor measure (sensor 0) and show measures from 0 to 250, but if we suppose that 0 is 0% and 250 is 100% (presence of light)

LDR value 0 to 250 it will show 0 to 100%, also shows number of readings taken, it reads the LDR once per second.

Percentage = ldr * 100 / totalvalue

#picaxe 18x
symbol Percentage = b0
symbol ldr = b1
symbol Readings = b2
symbol TotalValue = 250

serout 7,n2400,(254,1)
pause 30
readadc 1, ldr
percentage = ldr * 100 / TotalValue
inc Readings
serout 7,n2400,(254,128,"Reading #",#Readings)
pause 30
serout 7,n2400,(254,192,"Light = ",#Percentage,"% ")
pause 1000

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